End of the Month

 Today Mr.Reese wasn't in class so we had a sub. In class we had an assignment that slightly confused me for a little and took me some time to understand. Once I finally understood everything I finally got to work I  did as much as I could. I wasn't able to get through all of the questions during class so I have to finish that for homework. Today was nice to get a little break for a moment and sit wherever that I wanted to. This made it easier to know who I could work with to best get more of the work done. I liked being able to sit somewhere different and better around people who i know will do their work instead of stalling. I wish that it was like this in class but we have assigned seats which means I don't really have a choice but to work with the people around me, and sometimes many of them do not do their work and they delay it all. I wish that we had more days where it would be nice to move my seat around who I want to. Yes I might have it near my friends but those friends of mine understand that we actually have to do some work. 


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